Feed Reader Testing

You have been handed a feedreader another developer has worked on and now need to write tests against it using Jasmine's testing syntax.

In this project, you will be learning about testing with Javascript. Testing is an important part of the development process and many organizations practice a standard known as "test-driven development" or TDD. This is when developers write tests first, before they ever start developing their application.

Whether you work in an organization that writes tests extensively to inform product development or one that uses tests to encourage iteration, testing has become an essential skill in modern web development!


Your project will be evaluated by a Udacity reviewer according to the FeedReader Testing Project Rubric. Be sure to review it thoroughly before you submit. All criteria must "meet specifications" in order to pass.


  1. If build tools are used, submit both your source and production code in the same repository in separate directories. These directories are usually named src and dist respectively.
  2. If build tools are used the gulp or grunt.js file as well as the package.json file must be included in the submission.
  3. If build tools are used, the instructions for building the project and running the tool must be included in the README.md. You may find the short Writing READMEs course helpful.
  4. The node_modules directory may contain thousands of files and should not be contained in the submission. See this GitHub gist Remove node_modules from git repo for instructions.
  5. The master branch is the default Github repository branch. If you wish to submit another branch, you'll need to set it as the new default branch inside your Github repository.